U.S. AIR FORCE MARS is Celebrating it’s 75th Anniversary
5th to 11th of November – For more info click HERE
What is MARS?
Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) operators provide contingent radio communications for our US Department of Defense customers.
For more information:
USAF Military Auxiliary Radio System PDF
“A United States Air Force Auxiliary”
Why join MARS?
Many Amateur Radio Operators find that MARS helps them become better radio operators, and contribute to their communities, state, region, and nation.
- Learn advanced operating procedures
- Improve your net operating skills (transferrable to other nets)
- Create and send encrypted messages (on MARS, not amateur frequencies)
- Use advanced operating modes, like PACTOR 4, M110A, MT63-2KL
- Join a community to learn from (and share what you know)
- Practice in daily/weekly nets and periodic communications exercises
- Contribute to our clients’ success
What are the membership requirements?
Air Force MARS welcomes new members. Here is a partial list of the requirements:
- US Citizen or permanent resident
- At least 18 years old
- Amateur Radio Operator License (any class)
- Modern (frequency stable) HF radio and antenna suitable for 3-10 MHZ operations over a multi-state area
- MARS bands are outside of the amateur bands, so you will need to “open up” your radio to operate on them. Radio manufacturers may require a copy of a MARS license to perform that modification or provide that information.
- Be familiar with digital programs and modes like Winlink Express, fldigi, PSK-31, etc. We use digital modes for almost all of our traffic.
- Requires an external sound card, cables, and a program (e.g., fldigi).
- Internal PC sound cards are typically not adequate
- Newer radios may have a sound card built in
- Requires an external sound card, cables, and a program (e.g., fldigi).
- Ability and motivation to learn new skills, and participate on the air.
- Prior military experience is not a requirement.
If you are ready to learn more?
This site is dedicated to The Air Force MARS 10th Communications Wing. It is not approved by US Air Force or US Department of Defense.
I want to contribute
To support timely and accurate information sharing and repeater communication that serve the members of the AFMARS 10th Wing, we incur expenses for the Dropbox Plus service, this www.af-mars.org website domain registration and hosting, and the Wing repeater program. Your voluntary donation will ensure continuation of these valuable services that serve all of us. AF MARS 10th Wing is not reimbursed for this by the US Air Force MARS program. Please click on one or both below help defray the cost. Thank you in advance for favorably considering. (Remember, this is a hobby and not a 501(c)(3) organization, non-profit, nor for-profit business.)